We are excited to be partnering with Triton Property Management and look forward to providing you with the exceptional quality service and attention your community deserves!
Triton professional services will begin April 1, 2024.
Kathy Likowski, LCAM will continue as the property manager
and can be reached by email at fioreatthegardensmanager@gmail.com.
Triton Maintenance Payments
Click Pay payments will be discontinued. Beginning April 1st, you will be able to make a one-time payment or schedule recurring monthly payments directly with the associations bank by using the blue link below.
You will select Fiore at the Gardens Condominium Association
Enter your homeowner/account number (your unit number)
and email address to register.
This is the preferred payment method as it is FREE of charge if you pay with your checking account information. Those who choose to use a debit or credit card will incur a bank convenience fee.