24/7 self-service guest parking with automatic rule enforcement.
Guest Parking
Guest parking is notoriously abused and difficult to enforce...until now.
Virtual Attendant is an easy-to-use solution to ensure fair use of guest parking with built-in limits to stop abuse. The result is more available space for your guests and less hassle for you. It can be tailored to your current rules and parking time can be limited by vehicle or home.
Parking Boss Virtual Attendant provides:
Fast and easy 24/7 guest vehicle registration
Automatic enforcement of guest limits
Clear and simple enforcement for your team
The Safelist is a view of active permits registered by the Virtual Attendant. The Safelist
can be visible to your entire community, creating the ability to self-enforce.
If a vehicle is on the list, it’s OK to be parked—if not, it’s not. It’s that simple.
Handy refrigerator magnets make it convenient to access guest parking from your home.
Business card-size
Scan QR code to access guest parking registration
Space to write in home’s unique passcode
Record violations and catch repeat offenders. Parking Managers and Field Agents can quickly search a license plate of the offending vehicle. From there, it takes only seconds to record a violation, including:
Reason for the violation
Additional notes
Multiple photos
Smart Warning sticker #
The violation will be instantly added to the vehicle’s history.
Smart Warning Stickers
4”x6” warning stickers are the perfect
way to firmly and politely notify the
offending vehicle owner of their violation.
The unique warning number allows the
vehicle owner to easily look up the
violation details, including the date/time,
reason, notes, and even the photos.
Repeat Violations
Unfortunately, repeat violators are a reality in every community.
Parking Boss has a customizable violation threshold to escalate enforcement
when appropriate.